It is a single dot on the window. A beginners tutorial containing complete knowledge of java syntax object oriented language methods overriding inheritance. Creating a textlayout object from an attributedstring object handles this problem for you.
drawing text in java drawing text in javascript

This java tip shows how to draw text in java.
Drawing text in java. Related examples in the same category. Drawing text on the canvas. To draw text on the screen you can use graphicsdrawtextstring text int x int y method. In this part of the java 2d tutorial we do some basic drawing.
To draw text on a canvas the most important property and methods are. Compares two ellipses and returns true if they are equal or both null. Creates a diamond shape. Font defines the font properties for the text.
Java examples draw text using gui. Draw rectangles use the drawrect method. Drawing multiple lines of text. The graphics class provides the methods and the font and fontmetrics classes provide the support necessary to guarantee that the result is visually appealing.
There is a point class for representing a point in a coordinate space but there is no method to to draw a point. Compares two lines are returns true if they are equal or both null. If the text is bidirectional this task is not so easy to do correctly. Consult the java se specification for more information about textlayout.
Creates a diagonal cross shape. Drawing text on a component is just as easy as drawing lines and circles. First parameter is the string that you want to display and last two parameters are the value of point where this text will start. The most simple graphics primitive is a point.